
James Bulger’s Killer Accused Of Possessing Child Porn

Posts Tagged ‘James Bulger’s Killer Accused Of Possessing Child Porn’

Life’s Been Hell For Jon Venables, James Bulger’s Killer Accused Of Possessing Child Porn

THE talk is of Jon Venables, the recalled on licence joint killer of James Bulger,, being jailed for chidl porn: As the Sunday Mirror tells readers:

“Jon Venables sent back to prison over child porn offence”

But there is more. Jon Venables…


– suffered so much living a lie under his false identity he regularly told others who he was while seeming to be blitzed on alcohol and drugs says the Observer:

He…“had descended into a ‘persistent state of self-disclosure’ in which he felt compelled to tell others his real identity in the months before his return to prison…”


– a stronger view from the Sunday Express was the headline: ‘


In the Express version:

“Experts fear Venables has a death wish and are uncertain about how to treat him or whether to give him another new identity because he has struggled so severely to come to terms with his new life.

“The pressure of having to pass himself off as a different person with a different background and family history has triggered a serious psychological collapse which has led to him becoming violent.

“A senior source close to the case said: “He has gone into self-destruct mode. We are talking about an individual who is mentally scarred and has had to live a lie for nine years.”


– Venables WILL be charged with a serious sex crime soon, the News of the World can reveal. It also says Venables has now under sedation in an isolation wing.

James Bulger Case in pictures


– over at the Mail on Sunday Suzanne Moore gives us the benefit of her youngest child’s wisdom and plucks the reader heartstrings under the headline:’Jon Venables is serving life’

“I was attempting to explain the murder of James Bulger by Robert Thompson and Jon Venables to my youngest child as she had seen the news. ‘That’s terrible,’ she said. ‘Those boys should be in prison for ever.’

“When I told her they were only ten, a year older than her, when they committed this crime, she responded: ‘But it’s wrong to put children in prison.’

“Her nine-year-old view of the world is contradictory, but no more contradictory than that of many adults. We struggle between reason and emotion.”

Well yes Suzanne we do. Venable’s plight and Robert Thompson’s action in yesterday asking for 24-hour police protection and the unfortunate killing of James Bulger did make me ponder the world, life, and everything.

At this distance and a lifetime away from it, it is a struggle to pierce the memory haze to see the ten-year-old. Certainly there is no recollection of a need to kill or father a baby.

There was a cruel, harsh and difficult childhood and there was a severe trauma induced by my parents.

James Bulger Case in pictures

It is almost too distressing to repeat but life was truly difficult and the children of the streets were all, right down to a snotty nosed four-year-old, forced to walk the snow-covered pathways in gangs. At an ungodly hour each grey day they trudged to a grinding, unremitting place of work filled with many tough taskmasters. It was a charnel house. you could sense the bones of the ones who had gone before, a terrible stone building…school.

Broke free

One Saturday I broke free and with a older set of troubled youth went to Woolworths. It was the exciting time; the initiation into the gang. I performed my tasks well and nicked a shiny penknife and a pack of playing cards. I was relieved of both as soon as we hit the damp pavements on the way out.

The trauma was almost immediate and later the same day. I had been spotted, not by a eagle-eyed assistant but the rat-fink older GIRL who lived with her family two doors away. She snitched to her mother who gleefully told mine.

James Bulger Case in pictures

Then came the long forced march through the bitterly cold winter, a whole three miles to Woolies as my relentlessly vicious old dad forced me to apologise to the manager, staff and customers of a bemused and hugely entertained Saturday shopping throng.

The experience still causes blushing. Drugs were half an aspirin and a real-out-of-mind trip was the first PG Wodehouse and the excursion daydream- trip to Blandings Castle.

It was an unlucky childhood but, curiously, I have no difficulty in telling people who I am or right from wrong.

Venables has been and is in a Hell not entirely of his own making but he made a single-handed huge contribution to his version of Purgatory.


The Story so far:

John Venables ‘Sex Crime’ As Jack Straw Forced To Meet James Bulger’s Mum Denise Fergus

James Bulger And Jon Venables: The Killer Worked As A Bouncer

James Bulger And Jon Venables: The Killer Is Identified

Jon Venables’ Girlfriend, A ‘Stabbing’ And A Politically Incorrect Jack Straw

James Bulger: This IS Jon Venables

James Bulger’s Killer Jon Venables: Pictures And Sickening Detail

Posted: 7th, March 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (4)