
nasty bankers

Posts Tagged ‘nasty bankers’

McCain Chooses Politics Over Poverty

I’m sure that we are all shocked and surprised by the news that John McCain has decided that, after all, the financial crisis gripping the USA should take second place to his Presidential campaign, and that he should instead devote his time to the televised debate with Obama.

Ok, the more cynical people on the planet might feel that it was only too predictable that once McCain had failed to pressure the Democrats into forcing the bailout through Congress, thus allowing him to claim that the Republicans would never have been nice to those nasty bankers, he had nothing more to gain from screwing up the process still further.

Indeed, a decent human being might have been embarrassed at the sight of a Republican Secretary to the Treasury going down on his knees to beg Ms Pelosi to use the Democrat majority to save the country from another Great Depression; McCain clearly didn’t care.

A week ago Hank Paulson was demanding powers beyond Stalin’s wildest dreams; yesterday he was Otis Redding telling his country that he loved it too much to stop now.

And the share and bond holders of WaMu just got caught in the crossfire of McCain and Palin’s desire for power…

– Chenier

Posted: 27th, September 2008 | In: Money, Politicians | Comment (1)