
Anorak News | For Auld Lang Syne: The Queen On Tony Blair’s Legacy

For Auld Lang Syne: The Queen On Tony Blair’s Legacy

by | 27th, May 2007

queen-dome.jpgSHE waits. That’s what she does.

Hers is long-living line. Her mother went on for eons. She has time. She has seen 10 of his kind come. And nine of his kind go. Tony Blair cannot go on forever.

And now at the moment of his departure she strikes. Earl Spencer knew what to do. Stick the knife in when they least expect it. When they want bouquets, give them a bit of poison oak.

So here is Her Majesty the Queen to tell us of how “exasperated and frustrated” she has become at the legacy of Tony Blair’s decade in power.

The Telegraph’s front page (“ Revealed: Queen’s dismay at Blair legacy”) hears the Queen say how “deeply concerned” she has become at many of New Labour’s policies.

Royal sources are speaking of the head of state’s troubled mind. The paper tells us how the Queen “believes privately that Mr Blair and his Government have meddled unnecessarily in Britain’s heritage, including the reform of the House of Lords”.

She is concerned that the Armed Forces have become “overstretched” by foreign commitments. “She suspects that Mr Blair has spent too much time cosying up to America – at the expense of dealing with her beloved Commonwealth.”

“The Queen has been left exasperated and frustrated by change for change’s sake,” says one of her friends. “Her style is to report back to the Prime Minister the concerns that she has picked up on her travels.”

She waits. And then she strikes. She’ll teach him and his pushy wife who the real First Lady is. She’ll show him, the commoner who took hold of her hand in the Millennium Dome New Year’s Ever horror show.

For auld lang syne, my dear…

She has waited long enough.

Posted: 27th, May 2007 | In: Uncategorized Comment | TrackBack | Permalink