
Anorak News | Shark Eats Surfing Kangaroo

Shark Eats Surfing Kangaroo

by | 14th, December 2007

skippy.jpgDANIEL Hurst is walking along a beach near Torquay, Victoria, with his girlfriend.

Says he in the Telegraph: “We were just walking along the beach as a kangaroo came out of the shrub on top of the sand dunes. It just headed down towards the water and in it went.

“I could still see its head, and that’s when the shark leapt out of the water on its side.

“It just got its body out and that was about it. But [it was] clearly a shark. The kangaroo disappeared after that. I stayed around for a while, just very interested, and hoping the shark jumped again, but it never eventuated.”

And Mick Boucher saw it, too. “It was bobbing up and down,” says Mr Boucher said. “It was about 200 yards from shore when the shark struck.”

On Sunday, a kangaroo carcass was found on a nearby beach…

Posted: 14th, December 2007 | In: Strange But True Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink