
Anorak News | Fire Crotch: Massive Knickers Save House From Burning

Fire Crotch: Massive Knickers Save House From Burning

by | 2nd, January 2008

LIAR. Liar. Pants on fire. Or, in the case of Jenny Marsey, pants putting out a fire.

To Hartlepool, Teeside. And the kitchen of Marsey’s home in Meryl Gardens.

Mrs Marsey’s son and nephew are frying some bread. A knock at the door. They move to answer. The bread begins to fry. So the pan. Fire!

To the side is a pile of washing. Knickers. Water. And tossed on the fire. Fizzzz! Hurrah! Success.

Says Mrs Marsey: “My £4.99 parachute knickers have come in handy for something. We’ve had a good laugh that they were a bit like a fire blanket.”

She goes on: “When they found the pan on fire they did what most people do and panicked. But they found a pair of my knickers in a washing basket and basically used them as a fire blanket to put out the fire.”

Says a spokesman for Cleveland Fire Brigade said: “They did the right thing in the end. We advise everyone to get fire safety advice.”

And buy sensible and reassuring underwear…

Posted: 2nd, January 2008 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink