
Anorak News | The Sun’s Condition Portends A Little Ice Age

The Sun’s Condition Portends A Little Ice Age

by | 31st, January 2008

KEEP the global warming coming: “Sun’s low magnetic activity may portend an ice age”:

The Canadian Space Agency’s radio telescope has been reporting Flux Density Values so low they will mean a mini ice age if they continue.

Like the number of sunspots, the Flux Density Values reflect the Sun’s magnetic activity, which affects the rate at which the Sun radiates energy and warmth. CSA project director Ken Tapping calls the radio telescope that supplies NASA and the rest of the world with daily values of the Sun’s magnetic activity a “stethoscope on the Sun”.

It’s another The Little Ice Age. Anyone told al Gore?

Source , Via

Posted: 31st, January 2008 | In: Reviews Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink