
Anorak News | FCC Complaints: Oprah Winfrey, Video And Disgusted

FCC Complaints: Oprah Winfrey, Video And Disgusted

by | 1st, February 2008

angry_old_woman.jpgTHE site uses the US Freedom of Information Act to collect government documents.

The aim of this web site is to make available materials unavailable elsewhere.  There is no topic-oriented theme to our content. 

The most entertaining documents that they have posted are the complaints received by Federal Communications Commission for TV shows. Does America have a peer to ‘outraged of Cheltenham’? Anorak’s favourites:


In this episode, the students of Springfield Elementary School have revolted against the teachers and administrators, taking ‘control’ of the school. The students eventually catch Principal Skinner in the gym. As they begin to overtake and subdue Principal Skinner, one of the students empties out a large brown-colored drawstring bag that is filled with various sports balls (soccerballs/basketballs/voleyballs etc). Mr Skinner is then placed inside the empty sack and the drawstring was pulled snug around his neck, leaving only his neck and head outside of the bag. My concern, and the basis for this complaint, is in the manner of how the image of Principal Skinner was depicted after he had been placed into this bag and the drawstring pulled. The image of the large drawstring bag very clearly, and undeniably, resembled a non-circumcised penis (flaccid state). Mr Skinner’s height was the reason for the length of the brown sack, depicted the ’shaft’ and where the sack tapered from Mr Skinner’s shoulders up to his neck where the drawstring had been pulled into a ‘pucker’ depicted the foreskin.;


Thanks so much for providing the ability to report incidents. I’ve known about this for quite a long time and haven’t been able to find a way to report it.; During an episode of “Desperate Housewives” they showed a scene where the red headed star is getting into bed with her husband to be intimate (I believe the husband ended up having a stroke or heart attack if that helps you trace down the episode). The scene shows him moving down her body to kiss her
stomach … when the camera moves down it VERY plainly shows the woman’s pubic hair. ; I recorded the show on VHS tape and thought I saw something … when I went back and looked at it, I was correct in what I saw.



The Oprah Winfrey show was talking about breast cancer during breast cancer awareness month. That is a noble thing . However bare breasts were shown for a long period of time. Nudity has NOTHING to do with breast cancer.


My wifeand I were apalled when watching ‘Sex and the City’ onTBS on Tues June 29th at 10pm and the word ‘dick’ was used numerous times.


I just witnessed a sex offense on national TV. The host of the program Jerry Springer, who is in his sixties, just kised a 14 year old girl. That is sexual contact that I believe is illegal.

Hat Tip

Posted: 1st, February 2008 | In: Strange But True Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink