
Anorak News | The Flesh-Eeting Caecilian

The Flesh-Eeting Caecilian

by | 9th, February 2008

caecilian-worm.jpgTHE female caecilian’s skin becomes thicker and more nutrient-rich when she gives birth.

Mum’s young tears off strips of her skin and eat it.

Notes the BBC: It took several attempts to capture the footage; the caecilian babies would only eat their mother’s skin for about 10 minutes, once every three days, and often at night.

The Boulengerula taitanus is found in the Taita Hills of south-eastern Kenya. It lives underground. It can grow up to 30cm long.

TV can still shock…

Posted: 9th, February 2008 | In: Strange But True Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink