
Anorak News | Reese Witherspoon Supports Bullying And Teasing

Reese Witherspoon Supports Bullying And Teasing

by | 12th, February 2008

pigsy_.jpgREESE Witherspoon is the star of a new film, Penelope, about a girl who stumbles through life as an outcast because she has pig ears and a snout.

With no male romantic lead to fall in love with, Reese is forced to promote the movie by relaying how the film touched her, was a journey of self–discovery and touched her inner Pigsy.

Oscar winning blonde Withersoon, says: “I was always really short and really underdeveloped and had big Coke bottle glasses. I think that’s where I got a personality from, man. I wouldn’t give any of it back, not a day.”

In 1983 Witherspoon breaks into modeling and lands an acting gig at age 7, shooting a TV commercial for a florist. She continues doing local commercials and takes first place in a Ten-State Talent Fair at age 11.

Because: “Those are sort of formative experiences. I wouldn’t want my children to miss out on any of that teasing and bullying. Don’t you think it kind of makes you who you are — when you don’t make the soccer team?”

Reese has two children by Ryan Phillippe. Ava and Deacon are the children of photogenic, blonde Hollywood talent. They shouldn’t miss out on the teasing, especially if there’s an short, overweight ginger kid in their class…

Posted: 12th, February 2008 | In: Celebrities Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink