
Anorak News | Paul McCartney And Heather Mills’ Dirty Linen

Paul McCartney And Heather Mills’ Dirty Linen

by | 18th, February 2008

beatles-hank-marvin.jpgLADY Heather Mills has been told to destroy documents. A source tells the Mirror: “It’s highly sensitive information that must remain private at all costs.”

Heather is “believed” to have accepted their demand and also “allegedly agreed” to destroy all video and audio evidence relating to the four-year marriage. She “claims” to have a tape of ex-Beatle Sir Paul, 65, “allegedly confessing” to hitting late wife Linda.

Believed. Allegedly. Claims. The facts just keep on coming.

The “source” adds: “Heather doesn’t want to be banned from talking about her marriage and Paul doesn’t want damaging details leaking out. This is the compromise they have been looking for. Both sides have yet to put pen to paper but it’s looking hopeful.”
A source tells the Sun: “He wants to get on with life. The last thing he needs is an appeal, which would force all their dirty linen into the public arena.”

Indeed, not. As Anorak readers know, Paul McCartney died many years ago and was replaced in The Beatles line up by Hank Marvin. As for dirty linen, Lady Mills’ work with baby oil has been well documented…
Paul Is Dead: One Abbey Road Beatle Remains

Posted: 18th, February 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comments (12) | TrackBack | Permalink