
Anorak News | GCSEs In Languages Should be Made Easier

GCSEs In Languages Should be Made Easier

by | 21st, February 2008

mind1.jpg“GCSE in language ‘too hard’,” says the Sun.

The Association of Language Learning, the Association of School and College Leaders and the Independent Schools’ Association “have “blasted” the decision of the Qualification and Curriculum Authority not to adjust the grading.

The Association of Real Schooling, the Higher Education In The Community Collective and a spokesman for the Union of Excellence In European Scholastic Fellowship all agree that learning a foreign language should reflect the speaker and their audience.

As such GCSE French students should make it clear if they are travelling to Paris, where a large lexicon and impeccable accent is required to get served even a cup of water in a cafe, or to a rural locale on the German border where a vocabulary in excess of 50 words is considered showing off and subversive.

Until the matter is cleared up, all Britons overseas are advised to stick with English as they are best able… 

Posted: 21st, February 2008 | In: Tabloids Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink