
Anorak News | Spare Us The Details, Ms Virginia Blackburn

Spare Us The Details, Ms Virginia Blackburn

by | 21st, February 2008

playboy-kathleen-turner.jpgVIRGINIA Blackburn writes in the Express of her outrage and disappointment at the words of actress Kathleen Turner.

In “Spare us the details and keep quiet, Miss Turner”, Ms Blackburn opines: “Great heavens, what was she thinking?”

Spare us the details, Viriginia…

“Kathleen Turner, the most beautiful, intelligent and forceful actress ever to grace the silver screen has strayed into ‘too much information territory.”

Such praise. There must be a catch. But spare us the details, Virginia…

“Appearing on the Larry King show in the US [did you see it, Express readers?) to publicise her new autobiography, Kathleen, 53, an icon during her glory days in the Eighties, chose to share that which should have remained private.”

Spare us the details, Virginia…

“’I haven’t had sex for two years and I’m staring to miss it,’ she said.”

Spare us the details, Virginia…

Posted: 21st, February 2008 | In: Tabloids Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink