
Anorak News | The Great UK Brain Drain And How to Flee Immigrants

The Great UK Brain Drain And How to Flee Immigrants

by | 21st, February 2008

brianiac.jpgNEWS in the Express that “one in 10 brightest Britons quits UK”.

This is a “huge brain drain”, says the paper. “The exodus is revealed at the same time as concerns at home grow about record numbers of migrants arriving to find jobs in Britain.”

These facts are absed on a report by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Says the Telegraph: “We already knew, courtesy of the Office for National Statistics, that emigration from this country is running at higher levels than at any time since before the First World War, with 200,000 British citizens a year departing these shores.”

“So why the exodus?” the apper asks? Better pay? Wunderlust? Cheaper housing? Less chance of meeting Noel Edmonds?

No need to guess. The Telegraph knows: “Scratch an expat in any of the 100-plus countries that have sizeable British communities and you will rapidly find out… One thing will be mentioned more than any other: that unchecked immigration over the past decade is creating a country many Britons no longer feel comfortable in.”

The brainiacs are leaving the UK to live overseas because they don’t feel comfortable living among foreigners.

And they’re the clever ones…

Posted: 21st, February 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Tabloids Comments (14) | TrackBack | Permalink