
Anorak News | Anthea Turner’s Complex Issues

Anthea Turner’s Complex Issues

by | 22nd, February 2008

grant-anthea.jpgONCE upon a time, Anthea Turner had it all. Hers was the face, hair (“don’t forget the ankles, guys”), ankles and sunny disposition of British day-time and early evening TV.

Then she parted from Peter and married Grant ‘Bogey’ Bovey, and her world became a foreign place.

As viewers began to turn from Anthea toward Ant ‘n’ Dec and back to Noel Edmonds, Anthea settled into life in a mock Tudor farmhouse near Goldaming in Surrey.

With its wine cellar, stables and cinema, the poperty offered much. And Anthea set to work making it homely for she and Grant.

There was the expensive polo field, the helicopter pad and a £500,000 tennis complex with floodlit tennis court and pavilion.

Planning application was, as the Mail notes, sadly turned down for a huge wooden nest, which Councillor Carole King admiringly called “The Wicked Witch of the West” tree house.

Sadder still that Waverly Borough council voted five to four to refuse a retrospective planning application for the tennis arena.

Fears are that the tennis centre will be torn down. Anthea plans to appeal. And what more appealing than Anthea?

If only the broadcasters would see it…

Posted: 22nd, February 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink