
Anorak News | Britney And Adnan Call It An iPhone

Britney And Adnan Call It An iPhone

by | 3rd, March 2008

adnan-spears.jpgBRITNEY Spears has called it a day with her Brummie lover Adnan Ghalib.

The Sun sets the scene of this romantic parting of ways. Dim the lights. Cue the music. Pass the tissues:

There were about a dozen from one girl, all sent on one day. They were pretty saucy stuff with sexual references — certainly not the sort you’d send to just a friend. Britney lost it and started yelling. She was demanding to know who sent the texts and shouting, ‘What’s this about? You’re cheating on me’. Adnan said the girl was just a friend, but Britney got more and more angry. Then she told him, ‘That’s it. It’s over’. Just before she told Adnan to go, she took the phone and threw it in the pool right in front of him. He didn’t even bother trying to get it out of the water.”

It’s not enough. This is an iPhone. It may not be easy to put down. And those emails may yet surface again. And in any case, such is the way of text messages – the Bext (noun. A sexually suggestive mobile phone message) -that cutting-edge mobiles comes with saucy texts pre-installed.

Thus Old Mr Anorak’s attempts to send his first text message “I’m on the bucking bronco” to Harriet Harman was mutated by something called ‘predictive texting’ into “I want to **** ur ***d”…

Posted: 3rd, March 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink