
Anorak News | Denver Blocks Perez Hilton And BoingBoing

Denver Blocks Perez Hilton And BoingBoing

by | 5th, March 2008

american-flag.jpgTHE Denver Post reports that Denver airport’s free Wi-Fi system blocks Vanity Fair, BoingBoing and priapic Perez Hilton as ‘provocative’.

You can’t get to the popular gossip column on DIA’s Wi-Fi signal, either. Or the hipster-geek favorite Or the Sports Illustrated swimsuit photos, even though the magazine’s bare-breasted cover shot is on prominent display at airport stores, right next to Penthouse and Hustler.

Denver International Airport officials are erring on the side of caution in blocking access to certain sites through the free Internet browser offered to fliers.

“This gets to the heart of what the Internet is all about and whose responsibility it is,” says Xeni Jardin. “It seems particularly unfortunate that something as symbolic as the city’s airport, a gateway to culture, commerce and the flow of ideas, would be blocked in such a fundamental way.

An American Airport is a gateway to the “flow of ideas!”? Change that to idea: You are a criminal and you will be treated like one.

Posted: 5th, March 2008 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink