
Anorak News | Eliot Spitzer And Hillary Clinton

Eliot Spitzer And Hillary Clinton

by | 12th, March 2008

CHERYL on the Anorak forums: John, Hillary Clinton set the stage for ‘standing behind your cheating man’ – that loving wife role she played when Bill got caught may just get her the Presidency of the United States.

It is on the news he may have spent close to $15,000, gather it was not a one night stand of entertainment and may have gone on for six months. If I were his wife I’m come close to killing him for giving $15,000 to another woman – you know what $15,000 can buy a wife? Mink coat, jewelry, trip to Europe …

On a serious note, it said in the papers he not only betrayed his wife but the public also. That in my eyes is a load of crap! Men have been men since time began…some cheat, some don’t. No ones business what goes on in a person’s private life as long as they are not using public funds to fund their indiscretions. There can be no worse punishment than to have to face the livid wife. I think he’ll resign, they are pushing real hard to get him out – that is the Republicans for you. They have had so many sex scandals in this Administration I’ve lost count of them all.

When I was at the store and picked up the paper, this man was standing at the counter, looked Arab, and asked me what I thought when he saw the headlines. I gave my usual no one’s business and I thought it was horrible the press thought it proper to make their money on printing that story and hurting his wife and family. He said “I don’t know what is wrong with your country, in most countries it is common for men of wealth and prestige and high positions to have women on the side.” I said welcome to America land of the moralistic hypocrites.

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Posted: 12th, March 2008 | In: Reviews Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink