
Anorak News | Headline Of The Day: Student Sues After Being Woken Up

Headline Of The Day: Student Sues After Being Woken Up

by | 16th, March 2008

sleep.gifHEADLINE of the Day: “Conn. student sues after being awakened.”

DANBURY, Conn. – Danbury officials have been notified they are being sued by a student who was awakened in class by a teacher who made a loud noise. Documents filed with the Town Clerk, a prelude to a lawsuit, claim that a sleeping student suffered hearing damage when his teacher woke him up by slamming her hand down on the boy’s desk in December.

Attorney Alan Barry says 15-year-old Vinicios Robacher suffered pain and “very severe injuries to his left eardrum” when teacher Melissa Nadeau abruptly slammed the palm of her hand on his desk on Dec. 4.

Master Robacher is, of course, American and it is thus in his nature to sue. But the incident suggests classroom rebellion. Better, perhaps, had Robacher told his teacher he was an art installation.

We are not told what lesson was being taught, but what fun had the young scamp woken and uttered: “To die, to sleep; to sleep, perchance to dream.” Stick in a mawkish Robin Williams cameo and you’ve got the makings of a film.

Of course, what should now happen is everyone who sits in Robacher’s chair falls asleep in class. The school panic as the source of this matter is debated and fretted over would keep the students amused for years to come.

And interested in class…

Posted: 16th, March 2008 | In: Strange But True Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink