
Anorak News | Why You Should Not Mug A Marine

Why You Should Not Mug A Marine

by | 30th, March 2008

lance_corporal_jones.gifSAYS the boy in San Jose with the knife: “Old man, give me your wallet or I’ll cut you.”The man tells the boy he is a former Marine who has fought in three wars. He had been threatened with knives and bayonets.

The man puts his bags on the ground and tells the boy that if he steps closer he will be sorry.

The boy steps closer. The man kicks him in the groin. The boy is knocked to the pavement.

The ex-Marine picked up his grocery bags and walked home, leaving the boy doubled over.

The man is 84 years old.

Posted: 30th, March 2008 | In: Strange But True Comments (6) | TrackBack | Permalink