
Anorak News | Peter Jones’ Palm Civet Dinner Party Coffee

Peter Jones’ Palm Civet Dinner Party Coffee

by | 10th, April 2008

palm-civet-coffee.jpg“I WAS a little apprehensive before I tried it but I actually really like it,” says Hannah Silver of her Luwak coffee.

“It was very earthy and it tastes rather smooth.”

Ms Silver is drinking a brew of coffee harvested from the droppings of the palm civet, a monkey-like cat that lives in Indonesia.

The Mail says the coffee is on offer at the Peter Jones department store, London.

The Mail also says that the coffee, which retails at £50 for 100 grams, or £15 for each stool, is “the ultimate talking point over after-dinner mints”.

In which case, it’s much needed. With property prices no longer shooting up faster than Pete Doerhty in a lift, Ed and Mandy need some other crap to talk about…

Posted: 10th, April 2008 | In: Strange But True, Tabloids Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink