
Anorak News | Daily Mail: Introducing The Tiger Mosquito

Daily Mail: Introducing The Tiger Mosquito

by | 27th, May 2008

tigermos.jpgMAIL readers recoil in fear at news of this year’s invader, the Asian tiger mosquito.

If you see this striped insect inching towards your skin, “be very concerned”, advises the Mail.

It’s already reached Northern Italy, where it’s dishing out chikungunya fever to its “scores of victims”.

It’s visited France, Germany and the Netherlands. We could be next. And “experts fear it could start a locally-spread epidemic”.

Britishers abroad are advised not to pet these new creatures, nor take them home in their washbags and undergarments.

They should be stamped on – literally…

Posted: 27th, May 2008 | In: Tabloids Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink