
Anorak News | Britney Spears In Training For K-Ferret’s Baby

Britney Spears In Training For K-Ferret’s Baby

by | 17th, June 2008

kevin.jpg“BRITNEY TO HAVE KEVIN’S BABY,” announces the National Enquirer.

While Anorak’s go ahead knitting department sets about create a frappuccino warmer, an “insider” tells us that Britney “has always wanted kids” and “she’d like all her children to have the same dad.”

Unless Prince William steps forward, that’s a mating call for Kevin Federline.

“That’s why she’s been on such good behaviour,” continues our woman with a turkey baster. “She’s trying to show Kevin she’s healthy enough to be a new mom again.”

Can it be that K-Ferret only mates with women who can run a five minute mile to the pharmacists before closing time, bench press a rack of ribs (with both kinds of sauce) or inhale a cigarette in one drag while playing the Flight of The Bumblebee on their nostril comb?

The Enquirer says Britney’s career is “back on track”, and there is every hope she is up to the challenge…

Posted: 17th, June 2008 | In: Celebrities, National Enquirer Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink