
Anorak News | Not Lamenting The Dagmush Clan

Not Lamenting The Dagmush Clan

by | 27th, June 2008

THE Army of Islam are also klnown as the Dagmush clan. They are thugs. Writes. Tim McGirk provides a snapshot of daily life in a war zone:

Martyrs’ funerals are great social events. In fact, going to funerals is one of the major pastimes in Gaza, though maybe that will change now that the truce has started…The Dagmush were expecting a big crowd for the three Army of Islam guys killed by the Israelis. They had huge posters of the victims’ faces, floating above the Dome of the Rock shrine in Jerusalem. They also cordoned off the street traffic and erected a long tent with hundreds of plastic chairs for mourners. The tent was empty saved for a few old men, probably the dead men’s fathers and uncles.

“See?” says my friend, whose son had the run-in with the Dagmush kid over the stolen bike. “Everybody in Gaza hates them.” He adds: “For once the Israelis did us a favour.”

A few bad men…

Posted: 27th, June 2008 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink