
Anorak News | Jamie Oilver: We’re All Chicken Thieves Now

Jamie Oilver: We’re All Chicken Thieves Now

by | 9th, July 2008

“SIGN OF THE HARD TIMES,” says the Express.


Not live chickens, which thanks to Jamie Oliver’s crusade all wear name badges, but dead ones, shrink wrapped and frozen.

The Mail takes up the story, saying how not only are the £8 organic birds being tagged but so too the £2 chickens, presumably so that the authorities can trace their new owners and have them re-educated or shot.

It turns out that this is not all and customers are trying to steal the birds at the Hampden Park store near Eastbourne in East Sussex.

But not all chickens are worth stealing, only Grade A chickens at the supermarket now come with metal tags which are swiped at the checkout.

Free range chickens have been in huge demand following a campaign backed by celebrity chefs Jamie Oliver and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall.

They called for shoppers to boycott cheap birds in protest at the cruelty of battery farming. A cheap chicken can cost as little as £2.50 but a free range one can cost more than three times as much.

Can it be argued that Oliver and Fearnley-Whittingstall are making criminals of the cheap-protein-eating poor, who are so desperate not to be frowned upon at the check out that they are resorting to stealing more exclusive birds?

If so, we call for all chicken to be made more expensive than organic birds and so worth stealing…

Posted: 9th, July 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink