
Anorak News | NASA Rocket Scientists Take The Piss

NASA Rocket Scientists Take The Piss

by | 16th, July 2008

REPORTS Sky News: “Rocket Makers Ask For Daily Urine”. Adding: “It is not the substance you would expect spaceship builders to be demanding.”

Sky fails to say what it would expect rocket scientists to be demanding, but Anorak believes they, much like brain surgeons, usually prefer cash.

NASA’s head of life support systems John Lewis tells readers: “You can’t make fake urine.”

Few have tried to, but Anorak has analysed the contest of the typical Briton’s urine and found it to contain two parts lager, to one part Bacardi Breezer, a hint of ecstasy and a soupcon of Chlamydia extract.

But we are not here to argue with scientists, especially rocket scientists.

Space program contractor Hamilton Sundstrand is seeking urine from workers at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. He needs 30 litres a day to help test the new Orion space capsule that will park in space for six months while astronauts work on the moon.

It might be better, of course, if the urine was left in situ on the space centre, as the likes of former London mayor Ken Livingstone have advised, quaffed as a recycled brew or expelled from the space ship to form “stardust”…

Spotter: Julie de Viliars

Posted: 16th, July 2008 | In: Strange But True Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink