
Anorak News | KidzSafe: Turkey Showcases New Child Protection Device

KidzSafe: Turkey Showcases New Child Protection Device

by | 17th, December 2008

FOLLOWING news that workers at Haringey social services have been pouring cholera into wells in Zimbabwe, parents have taken child protection matters into their own hands.

They are looking around the world for solutions, and their eyes falls upon Turkey where eight-year-old Cihan Sevinc has been locked in a safe.

The Mirror looks at the prototype KidzSafe, and notes that the device has not yet been perfected.
Firefighters are called and with hammer and electric saw prise the door open.

Says one onlooker:

“I saw the children playing. Then they put the boy in the vault and closed the door.”

And was he still there when they returned? Yes. Was he there when the door opened? Yes.

KidSafe is surely a hit and will be a must-have in every child’s school bag just as soon as the science can be perfected and interiors designed to suit each child…

Posted: 17th, December 2008 | In: Photojournalism, Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink