
Anorak News | Santa’s Breasts Are Forbidden

Santa’s Breasts Are Forbidden

by | 23rd, December 2008

RODD Liddle loosk at the issue of man breasts and how Santa, though encouraged to be fat, is forgbiden from having them:

The Santa Claus in a department store in Louisville, Kentucky was sacked because the children kept pointing out that he had extremely large breasts. This is because he was a she, one formidable lady called Marta Brown. But the breasts were not what the kids expected on Santa Claus, not when viewed in tandem with the traditional beard and stuff — so they took the piss. Marta was consequently sacked by the department store — but good news, she is suing the firm for $67,000 through the state commission on human rights, for injured feelings and sexual discrimination. This is where we are now.

Indeed. If mobidly obese Santa can’t have manchichis, who can?

Get your man bra now!

Posted: 23rd, December 2008 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink