
Anorak News | Innocent Woman Arested For Telling Court To F*ck Off

Innocent Woman Arested For Telling Court To F*ck Off

by | 30th, January 2009

A FOUR-LETTER response to jury duty sparked a surreal brush with the law for an innocent woman.

THE COURT calls Denise Morrice for jury service. The reply to the Jury Central Summoning Bureau goes as follows:

“**** off! I’ve got better things to do. OK!!”

The correct reply for those wishing to avoid the cause is hereunder given by Larry David:

But Denise Morrice never received the original letter. Teesside Crown Court hears that the missive was sent to the wrong address. Still courts have to be filled and Miss Morrice is arrested, brought before the Beak.

She tells the court:

“It was a complete and utter shock. I thought someone had played a joke. It feels like some sort of strange dream. Why am I in court? I have the utmost respect for the law. I would love to be on jury service. I really am completely confused as to how I’m in this bad dream.”

Says the Beak:

“I believe you and I find you not guilty of the contempt.”

Miss Morrice is to be reimbursed her travel expenses. Jurors, also get biscuits. Her loss.



Posted: 30th, January 2009 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink