
Anorak News | American Idol: Simon Cowell And Paula Abdul’s Names Are Mudd In Kentucky

American Idol: Simon Cowell And Paula Abdul’s Names Are Mudd In Kentucky

by | 30th, January 2009

TO the carpeted hotel lobby that is the American Idol Louisville audition suite where failed wannabe Mike Mudd turns to the judges and says, “Take care and be careful” on his way out the door.

Threat. The Idol judges go into recoil mode. Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell take it as a threat. Abdul reacts:

“You don’t say that to people, ‘Be careful.’ That’s just not a normal thing to say.”

No, a normal thing to say is:

“You’re a bit pitchy, but you are truly a beautiful person with a soul made for, well, you know….wow… so special!”

Abdul failed to realise that “Be careful” is a regional parting expression, the literal fact is secondary to the geography. Do Abdul and Cowell take it as a veiled threat that the sign on the motorway says “Drive carefully”.

Is Cowell so sarcastic that he thinks everything is a slight, a loaded comment full of menace?

Says an American Idol producer:

“We now know better and look forward to visiting Louisville again someday.”

And Louisville can’t want ta see ya…


Posted: 30th, January 2009 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink