Christian Bale, Alec Baldwin And David O. Russell: Top Five Keep The Cameras Rolling
BATMAN actor Christian Bale is effing and blinding on the scene of Terminator Salvation when director of photography Shane Hurlbut strays into shot.
Bale unleashes a string of sarcasm and swearing as he calls a colleague, er, unprofessional. Show some f*****g respect you ***o.
Bale is from Bournemouth. The videos are from YouTube. NSFW.
Christian Bale:
Alec Baldwin:
David O. Russell – on the set of the comedy IHuckabees, director Russell and actor Lily Tomlin have an exchange of views:
Michael Richards
Avery Haines
On January 15, 2000, Haines flubbed a line while taping a segment for her employer, CTV Newsnet. After regaining her composure, she joked:
“I kind of like the little stuttering thing. It’s like equal opportunity, right? We’ve got a stuttering newscaster. We’ve got the black, we’ve got the Asian, we’ve got the woman. I could be a lesbian, folk-dancing, black woman stutterer. What’s that? In a wheelchair … with a gimping, rubber legs. Yeah, really. I’d have a successful career, let me tell you.”
And to end on a song:
Posted: 4th, February 2009 | In: Celebrities Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink