
Anorak News | Gay Wife ‘Fends Off’ Partner With Sperm

Gay Wife ‘Fends Off’ Partner With Sperm

by | 18th, March 2009

A WOMAN in a lesbian marriage has been arrested in the US after allegedly attempting to forcibly inject her brother’s sperm into her wife.

Stephanie Lighten is alleged to have thrown Jennifer Lighten on a sofa in the couple’s home in Pittsfield, Massachusetts and “threatened to impregnate her with “a turkey baster” filled with semen from Stephanie’s brother.”

The “turkey baster” was a large syringe with a catheter tip, according to police, who confisicated it, a container of semen donated by Stephanie’s brother , Nicholas Lighten, and some aluminium that also apparently had contained the semen.

Jennifer is said not to be all that up for it. She makes to run off. Jennifer makes it to the couple’s 4WD vehicle and drives away. Stephanie jumps on the side of the car.

Says a witness, Stephanie “was hanging on the SUV door handle, trying to get into the car.”

Police arrived and arrested Stephanie.

However Stephanie has been charged with domestic assault.

Spotter: LezGetReal

Posted: 18th, March 2009 | In: Strange But True Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink