
Anorak News | Millions Of Britons Hosting Swine Flu Parties

Millions Of Britons Hosting Swine Flu Parties

by | 30th, June 2009

swine-fluTHE SCARE Story of the Year award goes to the BBC for bringing readers news of swine flu parties:

Throwing “swine flu parties” in an attempt to get immunity against the virus while it is a fairly mild form is not a good idea, doctors say.

Pass the gammon, vicar:

Reports have emerged of people intentionally mixing with friends who have flu. Their reasoning is that it is best to be infected before the winter when the virus could become more deadly.

What reports? The BBC does not say. But there are reports. And because reports are always true, it follows that the reports are fact. Swine flu parties are out there. RSVP – if you can.

Dr Jarvis, chairman of the British Medical Association’s public health committee, offers more evidence:

“I have heard of reports of people throwing swine flu parties. I don’t think it is a good idea. I would not want it myself.”

Well, then it best to politely decline. Perhaps you can be washing your hair on disinfectant or you can say that you’ve contracted the Black Death and you’re holding your own soiree?

Posted: 30th, June 2009 | In: Reviews Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink