
Anorak News | Man Banned From Being Drunk Until 2016

Man Banned From Being Drunk Until 2016

by | 8th, July 2009

drinkingDAVID Peers, 45, is banned from entering a pub, carrying an open bottle of alcohol or getting drunk anywhere in Wales and England in a public place for the next seven years.

The ASBO served on Peers of Redhill, Surrey, is explained by PC Doug Stott, of Surrey Police:

“David Peers has a history of drinking and disorderly behaviour…. So far this year Peers has been arrested and charged 11 times, mainly for public order offences.

“On one occasion he was seen urinating on shop windows something which is utterly despicable and totally unacceptable.”

David Peers has not yet reached Spain…

Posted: 8th, July 2009 | In: Strange But True Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink