
Anorak News | Jessica Simpson Caught Napping With Ashlee, In Pictures

Jessica Simpson Caught Napping With Ashlee, In Pictures

by | 2nd, August 2009
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key4JESSICA Simpson is seen leaving Katsuya in Hollywood. It’s an eatery in Hollywood.

The joys of spotting a celebrity can not be underestimated. But is it right to gawp at Simpson as she goes out for a private meal with her family and friends?

Well, let’s see what her sister Ashlee (with a double ‘ee’) says on Twitter:

“Woo Saturday fun with my mom [Tina] and [son] Bronx. Aw being home is so nice, let’s all take an afternoon nap.”

Yah, they love it…

The pictures:

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Posted: 2nd, August 2009 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink