
Anorak News | Man Arrested For Disguising Potatoes As Chocolates

Man Arrested For Disguising Potatoes As Chocolates

by | 17th, November 2009

chocolate-potatoTO Miami International Airport, where a man is trying to smuggle potatoes into the country disguised as chocolates.

Stopped by the US border goons, our potato enthusiast was ordered to pay a $300 penalty for trying to smuggle fresh sweet potatoes from Bolivia into the Land of the Free.

In all he had 18 small sweet potatoes. That’s $300 for 18 small potatoes **, which were destroyed.

Your writer once arrived at Miami airport with a grapefruit. It was destroyed. The next time I drew a beard on another grapefruit and looked on as it was taken into a back room and beaten to a pulp*.

That was an attempt at humour. All attempts at humour with US border goons will be met with anger, hate-filled eyes and – oh, dread phrase – you being called “sir” and removed from the public gaze.

** Chocolate potatoes are yummy and count as part of your five a day.


Posted: 17th, November 2009 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink