CNN Recruits Journos From Gay Porn: Collin O’Neil Reports
NEWS is in such a desperate state that it will use anyone as a reporter, so long as they are cheas and are live near the scene. Anorak’s man in LA looks at CNN and it’s new reporter Collin O’Neill. We go live to gay porn central:
KNOW how CNN recruits and relies on eyewitness accounts from viewers with video cameras (or cell phones) for their on-the-scene “i-Reports?”
Well, one of their i-Reporters during the recent flash-floods in South Florida turns out to have been quite experienced on-camera, just not necessarily in the genre of TV news.
Collin O’Neal, it seems, also happens to be a gay porn star, and proprietor of a website which pedals his products (www,
According to our friends over at Gawker, he was in the middle of shooting a new man-on-man classic when his neighborhood started experiencing flooding, so he headed outside to shoot a different kind of “money shot,” which he promptly submitted to CNN.
If Collin’s porn career ever crashes, we suppose he could always apply for a gig as correspondent for Anderson Cooper.
Posted: 21st, December 2009 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink