
Anorak News | Global Warming Brings Plague Of Falling Lizards

Global Warming Brings Plague Of Falling Lizards

by | 7th, January 2010

lizard-lickingBRRRR! Globwal warming, renamed climate change, and now renamed global cooling is creating a plague of lizards:

It was so cold in Florida, freezing iguanas were seen falling out of trees. Experts say the cold-blooded reptiles become immobilized when the temperature falls into the 40s and they lose their grip on the tree.

In other n-n-n-n-news, the Met Office says we’ve never had it so hot:

The mean UK temperature for December was 2.1 °C, making it the coldest for 14 years and colder than the long-term average for December of 4.2 °C. However, December was one of only two months in 2009 which had a below-average mean temperature.

What does this say about climate change?

Climate change is taking place as the earth continues to warm up.

Grab an iguana lolly and dive in…

Lolly Spotter: Tim Blair

Posted: 7th, January 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink