
Anorak News | Face of Prada Nick Snider Offers Police Oral Sex For Release

Face of Prada Nick Snider Offers Police Oral Sex For Release

by | 4th, February 2010

nick-snider-arrestedMODEL Nick Snider, 21, a face of Prada, was arrested for public drunkenness and disorderly conduct at a female friend’s home in Batesville, Arkansas, reportedly. Police allege that when approached, an intoxicated Snider uttered:

“I am a very famous model.”

That’s just the kind of thing the boys in Arkansas PD dream of hearing. They must have pinched themselves. Deputy Brian Luetschwager says Snider “kept trying to get me to stop the car and let him go.” And:

“Mr. Snider stated to me, ‘If you stop I’ll suck your dick and balls if you let me go.'”

Models. In Arkansas. Typical.

The offer repeated a second time, and denied, Snider is said to have “also harassed the booking Jailer with similar sexual comments.”

Snider is charged with illegally attempting to influence a public servant. In Independence County District Court he pleads not guilty to all charges.

In Arkansas.


Posted: 4th, February 2010 | In: Celebrities Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink