
Anorak News | Sahil Saeed Is Not Pakistan’s Shannon Matthews So Gordon Brown Should Help

Sahil Saeed Is Not Pakistan’s Shannon Matthews So Gordon Brown Should Help

by | 10th, March 2010

SAHIL Saeed went missing in Jhelum, Pakistan. The media latched onto the kidnapping of the five-year-old from Oldham from his grandmother’s home. The child was taken by gunmen. The father was tortured. The kidnappers demand £100,000.

It was the last day of the boy’s two-week holiday. Now, Sahil’s bereft father Raja Naqqash Saeed has returned from Pakistan.

On Sunday Pakistan’s interior minister, Rehman Malik, said “somebody who was very close to the family” must have been involved. This is no Shannon Matthews. This is real.

Sahil’s family say all claims of their involvement are nonsense. They are innocent. Says the Daily Telegraph:

“Father of kidnapped British boy flees Pakistan”


The boy’s parents are reported to have been involved in a bitter separation shortly before the kidnap. Mr Saeed took his son out of school and flew with him to his family’s home in Pakistan, leaving his wife Akila behind in Oldham. Mr Saeed, who is unemployed, denied reports of a row or that any of his relations were involved.

Not that that is relevant. And Mr Saeed denies any rift or row.

In a message to the kidnappers, Ms Naqqash, 31, said: “I just want my son back. All is forgiven, I will forgive you. You may have children yourself. I forgive you.”

What can be done? Well, Gordon Brown could step in. He’s helped in the search for Madeleine McCann:

Mr Saeed has also appealed to Gordon Brown to help find his son. ‘This has only happened to us because we are British and I would like the Prime Minister to help us,” he said. “These people targeted us because they think being British means we are rich. The British Government is already doing a lotbehind the scenes and I appreciate that – but I would like them to do more to bring my child back to me and I would like Gordon Brown to be personally involved.

Over to you, Gordon. It’s big:

The interior minister, Rehman Malik says:

“I will say one thing: there is an involvement of the household. There is somebody who was very close to the family. Because of the way the situation has happened, the way the abduction has happened, the way the entry was made… This is not a crime against just one family but against the entire nation. This is an attempt to spoil the situation in Pakistan.”

It’s Shannon Matthews? It’s the War On Terror. It’s Our Maddie. This one has elements of them all. What next..?


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Spotter – Bat E Bird

Posted: 10th, March 2010 | In: Reviews Comments (7) | TrackBack | Permalink