
Anorak News | In Pictures: Live Blogging The English Defence League and UAF In Bolton

In Pictures: Live Blogging The English Defence League and UAF In Bolton

by | 20th, March 2010

THE English Defence League are protesting again. This time in Bolton. Unte Againt Fascism are there too. Anorak reader B E Bird is blogging what is becoming a regular event. Story of the day after the images.


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Supporters of the English Defence League gesture to members the United Against Fascism group during a protest in Bolton town centre.

When Geert Wilders Came To London: Pictures

Update 15

The main event seems to be over


SC town centre should be cleared in five minutes

I wouldn’t like to be in the pubs tonight though.

Update 14

EDL are now being escorted out of town.

AG EDL look to have gone from the sq but more UAF supporters making their way there. Banners from Hull, London, Brimingham among those seen.


Image 3 of 15

Supporters of the English Defence League gesture to members the United Against Fascism group during a protest in Bolton town centre.

Update 13

Bolton News now reporting “All kicking off in Vic Sq, EDL protestors trying to move barriers and get out of enclosure, missiles flying ”

No more live streaming because of “technical issues”. Some viewers thinking it’s a conspiracy – ie, we saw the UAF causing trouble but coverage stopped soon after the EDL got there so is there something they don’t want us to see blah blah?

Police dogs now being used to control EDL demonstrators.

JH Police being issued with riot shields to move protesters, starting to get nasty

Anti fascist cheer leader asks his side not to throw missiles back

Police with riot shields out. Coins and bottles being thrown.

EDL demonstrators trying to surge against police

What a pain – it sounds like it’s really kicking off now and there’s no live video. From comments on the MEN site, it seems to be the EDL causing trouble now.

Update 12


Man with injured finger is GMP officer. Another officer treated for dog bite.

MEN reporting Missiles exchanged, arrival of more both fascist protestors seems to be the catalyst

Another Boltoner’s comment “EDL and UAF go home we want our Bolton Back!”

Update 11

The Bolton News is reporting that any UAF supporters arrested are being handed cards by fellow supporters with solicitors numbers on.

GMPolice reporting A 19-year-old man has received treatment for an ongoing health problem, another man has fractured a finger.

I think this comment on the MEN site probably sums up the thoughts of most Bolton residents “bolton’s got a population of about 260,000. That’s 260,000 people who’ve had their weekends ruined after a week at work by these idiots. No taxis, boarded up and damaged shops, and the town a no-go area for the next 24 hours. i’m fine with their right to protest, but why not stick them all in a field on the outskirts to do it, and let the vast majority of people get on with their lives??? ”

Update 10

Number of demonstrators intent on causing disorder have broken away from protest site. Large numbers of officers deployed to address.

CCTV recording disorder. ACC Shewan: “I am determined to identify offenders by whatever means and bring them to justice.”

Unfortunately there’s a technical problem with the live video stream so I can’t see anything apart from tweets.

Bolton News is reporting a build up of youths white and asian away from the square.

Police have now made 55 arrests.

Update 9

From GMPolice “Organiser of today’s UAF demonstration in Bolton arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit violent disorder.”

Police now estimate 1,500 protestors in UAF site and in excess of 2,000 in EDL site.

Update 8

The EDL have landed and it’s just got very shouty is all I can say. Shouty and pointy. Oh, and flag wavy.

The Police say both demonstration sites are now full and the EDL stewards are keeping their members calm. It’s making the EDL look far more civilized than the UAF so far.

Update 7

The EDL started late but Police are praising their behaviour. It’s the UAF that are causing all the trouble.

A large number of EDL now heading to site.

The Police already have their hands full with the other lot.

Update 6

Hundreds of EDL supporters will shortly be arriving in Victoria Square at the protest site. less than 10 seconds ago via web

I can see worse trouble brewing now.

Someone’s started a rumour that Greggs have run out of pasties.

Update 5

# 31 UAF demonstrators and two EDL demonstrators arrested. 6 minutes ago via web

# ACC Shewan: “This is not a peaceful protest and we are facing a lot of hostility. We will take swift action when confronted with disorder.” 4 minutes ago via web

They’re busy trying to kill the Police at the moment, allegedly.

Update 4

Live stream here if anyone wants a look. It’s only the UAF there at the moment and they’re causing enough trouble.

Apparently, it’s the EDF that don’t start until 1pm—edl-marchReader June: “Busy Magistrates Court tomorrow a.m then”

Update 3

According to live coverage from the police and Bolton Evening News, the UAF supporters are already trying to break the police line and move away from their designated site.

It’s getting confrontational now and their protest isn’t supposed to start until 1pm. The EDL haven’t even been escorted to the square yet.

@ 10:41 GM Police said “We are gearing up for a peaceful and lawful protest. Disorder will not be tolerated!”

Update 2

It will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow and I supposed it depends upon how many troublemakers attend.

Town hall chiefs and police have told parents to keep their kids away from the town centre, the muslim community have been told not to protest, the town centre business owners are undecided whether or not to open, metal detectors will be placed at the stations, barriers and fencing have been erected and scaffolding boarded up and some taxi firms have decided to close from 6pm tonight until Sunday. All that for what exactly?

If you were thinking about popping to the Bolton shops on Saturday, I’d give it a miss – it would be quite funny if only a handful of protesters turned up though. I’ll keep you posted.

According to the MEN, a couple of arrests already.

Update 1

* “Police and Bolton Council chiefs are working around the clock and are in constant contact with organisers of the EDL rally and the counter UAF protest.

But they are still unsure how many protesters will descend on the town.

Information from websites, which are being checked by officers on a daily basis, suggests that thousands of protesters from each side will arrive from as far away as Dover and Aberdeen.”

It’s been postponed once and the Police and council have been trying to stop the protest but it looks like it will definitely go ahead.

Posted: 20th, March 2010 | In: Politicians Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink