
Anorak News | Delroy Smellie Not Made To Pay For The Death Of Ian Tomlinson

Delroy Smellie Not Made To Pay For The Death Of Ian Tomlinson

by | 31st, March 2010

SGT. DELROY Smellie is cleared of striking Nicola Fisher with baton. Mrs Fisher did not turn up at court. “I stand by what I said,” says she. But not in court.

When we bash one policeman we are bashing the Force. When we take on one copper we are taking them all one. But what if the one you are gunning for is innocent? Are we going for Smellie or are we after justice for the murder of Ian Tomlinson?

Make one of them pay – it matters not which one. They all look the same, don’t they. And, indeed, they all look the same by choice. And Delroy Smellie chose to smack Nicola Fisher about the legs with a metal rod.

G20 In Pictures – The Death Of Ian Tomlinson

District Judge Daphne Wickham says Smellie had 7 seconds to react when ran in front of him “hurling abuse at a vigil held on 2 April to mark the death of newspaper seller Ian Tomlinson at a previous demonstration“.

Would she hurl abuse at a copper were he walking in the street? Would she dare?


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The images: Metropolitan Police Sergeant Delroy Smellie (left) leaves the City of Westminster Magistrates Court after being found not guilty of assaulting animal rights activist Nicola Fisher during the G20 protest in London last year. The riot squad officer who hit the G20 protester twice with a metal baton could still face misconduct proceedings over the incident.

Posted: 31st, March 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comments (7) | TrackBack | Permalink