
Anorak News | Britain’s Got Talent: Before Hyping Chloe Hickinbottom Let’s Destroy Susan Boyle

Britain’s Got Talent: Before Hyping Chloe Hickinbottom Let’s Destroy Susan Boyle

by | 17th, April 2010

THE fourth series of Britain’s Got Talent is upon us. Along with Harry Hill’s TV Burp and Curb Your Enthusiasm, it’s the best show on the box. But before the show, and ten-year-old Chloe Hickinbottom who croons Vera Lynn’s White Cliffs Of Dover, here’s a chance to cast more aspersions on the mental wellbeing of last year’s runner up Susan Boyle.

The media’s aim is to create a cautionary tale on the perils of fame. The media will build Boyle into a crescendo of pain.

The Express leads with news of “fears” for Boyle. The Sun also tells of “FEARS for SUSAN BOYLE’s fragile mental health”.

‘Emotional’ Susan Boyle ‘Enchanted’ By Man At Nice Airport
The Media Manipulates Images To Make Susan Boyle Look Weak Minded
Susan Boyle In Airport Rampage

SuBo was due to perform at the Logie Awards in Australia. But she pulled out “without explanation”. No word on why, then. So, let’s guess.

She has been plagued by problems since she came second in Britain’s Got Talent last year.

Problems such as being a hit and making lots of money?

The last time she was in the first class lounge she put on a weird show – polishing shoes and dancing with a mop at Heathrow airport in January. The land of the didgeridoo may have proved too tempting for the lass’s strange shenanigans.

Or as Boyle said:

“(It) was just a bit of carry on (fun). I meant no harm. It was just a joke. It’s my wacky sense of humour. I didn’t mean any harm and if I offended anyone it was just a piece of fun. I was messing about dancing and singing.”

SuBo is mental. It’s what the media says he is, so she is. And the pictures don’t lie – do they? Dec, one half of Ant ‘n’ Dec, who front the show, is commented on the Guardian’s Emma Brockes, his words recalled

Susan Boyle Heathrow Airport Rant Is A Repeat Performance: Pictures

He continued: “People don’t turn up with it written on T-shirts how sane they are. You can’t tell by looking at somebody.” Actually you can, and do; the way Boyle was presented when she walked on stage that first time, with cutaways to the judges’ faces, was check-this-one-out-she’s-mental.

Susan Boyle’s Mars Bar Makes Her A Victim Of Media Manipulation

And let us not forget that Boyle was starved of oxygen at birth, a fact trotted out so routinely that failed wannabes are asking their mum and dad why they weren’t starved of air at birth and therefore given decent show at fame. The Mirror reports, breathlessly:

The singer, who suffered mild brain damage after being starved of oxygen at birth, is currently recording for her second album after the huge success of debut LP I Dreamed A Dream.

So, to this year’s show. And the chance to see if a star can be born, hyped and then ripped to shreds by a voracious media…


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Britain's Got Talent star Susan Boyle at her front door in Blackburn,West Lothian.

Posted: 17th, April 2010 | In: Key Posts, TV & Radio Comments (6) | TrackBack | Permalink