
Anorak News | Obama Forced To Go To War With Iran

Obama Forced To Go To War With Iran

by | 19th, April 2010

ON the looming war in Iran – bunker busters in Diego Garcia – a reader writes:

You hit it on the nose four weeks ago. A month ago the CIA presented its Report to Congress on the activities in Iran and their serious concerns with how advanced Iran is in getting close to making their nuclear bomb. Then a Security Analyst was on TV and their opinion was Iran now has everything needed to make one. Israel has been saying that for a couple of years but no one seemed to want to listen.

Obviously, at least to me, the Pentagon seems worried over what Obama would do if necessary, since Gates’ memo was leaked and it wasn’t by accident. I did ask someone if they thought Obama does have the balls to take military action against Iran and their response was ‘you better hope he does’. You can wager the White House is royally pissed off that memo has been leaked and the Pentagon is speaking out. It puts Obama on the spot, as no doubt intended.

As an aside, I sure hope whoever ‘deep throat’ was at the Pentagon has himself well covered with no way to be discovered. You may have missed the news over here last week, a former official from NSA had been giving information to a reporter about some failures at NSA, while the official was there and, in turn, the reporter was writing exposes on the NSA failures. He was indicted by a Federal Grand Jury and then picked up and charged with Federal offenses last week. The Reporter did not give up his name, he was stupid enough to use a computer to give her the information and the Government investigated, tracked it and nailed him. The Government is taking a hard stand against any leaks on classified information.

Posted: 19th, April 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink