
Anorak News | The Media Rebels Lost With Nick Clegg As The Electorate Lost The Plot

The Media Rebels Lost With Nick Clegg As The Electorate Lost The Plot

by | 7th, May 2010

IT does seem like a long time ago, but do you remember the time when the people in the know – nodding heads on the telly, the well informed, experts, editors and broadcasters – were telling you how great Nick Clegg was and how he would sweep in change and bring about Nu Politics? The Old Guard would die and Cleggmania would rise.

OK, Clegg had one policy: to change the voting rules. But it was a great policy. The experts talked to the great unwashed and told us that Clegg was the technical politician. In football terms, Cameron’s Chelsea would win a weak league, Brown’s Liverpool would fail but Clegg’s TV-friendly Arsenal would win the moral vote and foment real change.

The action was pretty good but the debate was boring. And this is why it ended in a non-result. This is becaue the three big players were all the same. Just get a load of Clegg deciding who to side with, Tory or Labour. They used to be different and selecting one of the other would be a big move. Not now. This time it’s just about the leader. Hmm, what does Nick fancy – because democracy matters, readers?

This was no debate between the Establishment and the common man. This was a debate between the Establishment and The Establishment peopled by professional preachers, tossers, chancers and takers. Clegg offered something new, went the message. He offered electoral reform.


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What’s that you say, dear? Oh, immigration… Don’t worry your thick, bigoted head. War? Plenty of time for that later. No money? Well, give them a job first and then they’ll check it out. Just know that it’s the electoral reform that’s the big issue.

After the managers have achieved the glorious reform – gosh, how rebellious does that sound, rebels! – the like of Clegg, Cameron, Brown, Gove, Miliband, Balls and all the other jobbing toss-pots can get on with the serious matter of talking among themselves.

Posted: 7th, May 2010 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink