
Anorak News | Pregnant Teens Ordered To Wear “I AM FAT” Badge To Avoid Offending Mail Readers

Pregnant Teens Ordered To Wear “I AM FAT” Badge To Avoid Offending Mail Readers

by | 10th, June 2010

ARE you pregnant or are you fat? The BBC asks: “Is that woman pregnant or fat?”

First up, let’s not assume it’s a woman. Men can be pregnant too, and have big breasts. Prejudice is all around us and we need not add to it.

Some commuters don’t give up their seats for pregnant women because they fear offending someone who is just overweight, it has emerged.

It’s a massive, massive, massive, problem. And the solution is simple: badges. Teenage girls who are pregnant are encouraged to wear badges saying “I AM FAT”.

Says one Daily Mail reader:

“Pregnant women out in public is revolting enough but pregnant teens make by blood curl. They should be given a short sharp shock. Better they wear badges claiming to be fat so we can all make fun of them without fear of being judged.”

Pregnant women over 40 will also be required to wear the badge.

Posted: 10th, June 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink