
Anorak News | Foxes Visit Hackney Home Of Mauled Koupparis Twins: Usual Suspects Murdered

Foxes Visit Hackney Home Of Mauled Koupparis Twins: Usual Suspects Murdered

by | 15th, June 2010

KOUPPARIS And The Fox: Lola Kouppparis is back at her home in Hackney, London. Twin sister Isabella Koupparis is out of Great Ormond Street, having returned to The Royal London Hospital.

The Koupparis family ask for privacy. Nick and Pauline want to care for their children. They do not seek publicity.

And the Mail leads with:

Two foxes spotted outside mauled twins’ home

The foxes are hunting in packs. Either that or they are going out in pairs. It’s not a good time to be a fox. Says the Mail:

A fox trots across the front of the home where twin babies were savaged by one of its kind ten days ago.
Even a human presence – in the form a police officer at the front door – doesn’t appear to trouble the animal. Behind the house another one climbs the garden fence.

The police can’t scare them, and neither can the human-ish presence of a Daily Mail reporter.

Perhaps they wouldn’t have been quite so brazen if they knew that four other foxes have been caught in the back garden of the property and destroyed in the days since the shocking attack on the twins.

Koupparis And The Fox: Video Of Fox Attack Is A Good Laugh (Pictures And Video)

Two children bitten by a fox and four foxes are murdered. It’s an arm for a pelt. The Sun says it’s now five foxes snared.
Although, the Mail does not agree, sticking on four:

A Hackney council spokesman said: ‘No more foxes were captured over the weekend. However, the traps will remain in place until further notice.’

Take care in the garden, Isabella. Take care, mum and dad. That trap, you see, looks nasty. And the nasties look nasty, too.

Fox Attack On Lola Koupparis And Isabella Koupparis: Pictures And Horror

The Telegraph picks up on the story that someone has taken to the internet to call the Koupparis family names. Yep, and you thought the web was a nice, family place. (Can foxes type? Probably. But they won’t use their real names. Foxes are cunning.)

Fox ‘Tried To Eat’ Lola And Isabella Koupparis Says Expert: Pictures

Readers learn:

Online communities have accused the mother of lying about the creature and courting publicity. She was even accused of having an agenda to repeal the Hunting Ban.

Whole communities? Not a foam-faced nut-job in a caravan on the outskirts of Widnes. No. Entire communities are accusing the Kouopparis family of lying, a baseless accusation.

In Nightmare Pictures: The Fox Attack In East London

So. The family are under threat. The Telegraph’s headline is adamant:

Mother of twin girls mauled by fox threatened by animal rights activists

The police are less certain:

A police spokesman said no “direct threats” had been received.

Still, good to picture the Koupparis family home in the paper to better help the loons and the foxes find them…

London Fox Savages Second Child: Pictures


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Pauline Koupparis, the mother of two twin baby girls who were mauled by a fox at their home in Homerton, east London on Saturday night, leaves her house with a relative.

Posted: 15th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink