
Anorak News | In Pictures: Did Ed Balls Cheat At Newsnight’s Labour Leadership Contest?

In Pictures: Did Ed Balls Cheat At Newsnight’s Labour Leadership Contest?

by | 16th, June 2010

DID you see the Labour leadership candidates – Ed Balls (nominative determinism), Ed Miliband (Gromit), Diane Abbott (the Tory dream), Andy Burnham (what I did in my school holidays) and David Miliband (old wonky face) were making their pitches to lose the next election on BBC Newsnight.

They drew lots in the green room for the order they will be speaking. Did Ed Balls peek? And does it matter where Ed Miliband stands because like some Picasso painting you can see both his eyes even when he’s in profile.

As for the policies… Well, they all agreed to agree with moving on and not looking back before telling us how great Tony Blair was…


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Labour leadership candidates (left to right) Andy Burnham, Ed Miliband, Diane Abbott, David Miliband and Ed Balls during the Labour Leadership debate on BBC Newsnight at BBC Television Centre, London.

Posted: 16th, June 2010 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink