
Anorak News | Jon Venables: Denise Fergus, Justice, A Monster And Child Porn

Jon Venables: Denise Fergus, Justice, A Monster And Child Porn

by | 22nd, June 2010

JON Venables: One of James Bulger’s killers has been charged with downloading 57 child porn pictures. James Bulger was murdered in 1993. He was two years old. Jon Venables is now aged 27. He was detained at Her Majesty’s pleasure, and released on licence under a new identity in 2001. In February Venables was recalled to jail. Reporting restrictions meant no-one could report on why Venables was back in prison. Now those restrictions have been lifted.

The story so far

The news round-up…

Jon Venable’s is the Star and Express’ front-page “monster”.

The Mail calls it a “victory for Press freedom”.

Denise Fergus is James Bulger’s mother. She responds.

I simply want to see justice done… My solicitor has also been in touch with the Ministry of Justice, to make representations on my behalf and to raise a number of concerns I have about the way the case is to be handled.

“We are still awaiting a reply to that formal approach. I don’t want to say anything that could affect the proceedings. I’m prepared to wait and see what happens.”

James Bulger’s father speaks:

Robin Makin, the solicitor for James Bulger’s father, Ralph, sharply criticised the ministry of justice for its handling of the case since Venables’s recall.

“We consider that the way this has been handled since news of Jon Venables being recalled to custody has been a disaster. The public authorities ought to behave quite differently and in due course further details are likely to emerge of the mistakes that were made. Ineptitude and incompetence spring to mind,” he said.

Venables will answer for his alleged crimes at the Old Bailey in July. The case against him goes, as told by Gavin Millar QC, prosecuting:

He was downloading images on to his own computer. That is the basis of the case relating to the 57 photos. The distribution relates to the downloading of photographs using software that might have made them available to others if they knew the correct search term and passwords for a finite period.”

The story so far


“There is no evidence to suggest that anyone did actually acquire the images through this route.”

The case goes on:


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Ralph Bulger arrives at Manchester Crown Court with wife Denise to face charges of woulnding with intent in a nightclub incident in 1993. Ralph, father of murdered toddler Jamie, appeared with brother Philip, also charged with wounding with intent.

Posted: 22nd, June 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink