
Anorak News | Anna Chapman: Anya Kushchenko’s Family Sell Agent 90-60-90 Photos

Anna Chapman: Anya Kushchenko’s Family Sell Agent 90-60-90 Photos

by | 3rd, July 2010

ANNA Chapman, aka Anna Lushchenko, aka Anya Kushchenko, is on the front page of the Daily Mail. She is the “SPY WHO CAME FOR CHRISTMAS”. She is the nuclear sex bomb spy sat at the dinner table with her former husband Alex Chapman.

Chapman is fitter than the identikit mould of the thick chested Rosa Klebb or Ethel Rosenberg. Russian media have given her a number: “Agent 90-60-90” (her vital statistics).

Chapman has secured the services of the publicist Max Clifford. We should expect lots more insight into his four-year marriage to the “femme fatal”.

Only, she isn’t. Anna Chapman has convicted of no crime. She is an alleged spy. In fact, she isn’t even that.

The prosecution have yet to produce any evidence of deep intelligence being passed by the “spy ring” to their Moscow handlers. In fact the Russian agents were not even successful enough to face espionage-related charges, being accused, instead, of failing to register with the US authorities as representatives of a foreign power, and omitting to declare income for tax purposes.

Although two suspects have admitted lying: Michael Zottoli and Patricia Mills, told investigators they are really Russian citizens  Mikhail Kutzik and Natalia Pereverzeva.

What says Peter B Krupp, lawyer for Donald Heathfield, one of the 11 arrested persons helping the US with this investigation?

“The government’s case essentially suggests that they successfully infiltrated neighbourhoods, cocktail parties and the Parents and Teachers Association. It is all a bit confusing.”

Confusing? Not a bit of it. Anna Chapman is shaggable and so deemed to be newsworthy.

A “bewildered” Kevin Chapman, Alex Chapman’s father, says:

“She’s simply not some Mata Hari, she can’t be… she’s just an ordinary girl… ‘I’m convinced it wasn’t a honey trap,’ Mr Chapman said. ‘They were so much in love. It just doesn’t add up.”

So much in love that they got divorced and while still married Chapman pulled in the White House and gave 140% of herself to Chris Hutchinson.

Still, knowing what to believe when spies are about is tricky.

Says Kevin Chapman of her son’s 2020 wedding to Anna:

“It was a surprise but we were pleased. She ticked all the boxes really – she was attractive, intelligent and from a good background and nice personality. She was a very pleasing daughter-in-law and they were talking about having kids. I don’t know why they split up.”

Maybe it was money worries?

“If she was being groomed by the KGB, you would have thought they would have set her up a bit better… they didn’t give her a very good expense account.”

Says Jane Chapman, Anna’s former mother-in-law:

“I’d see them about once a month and Anna would cook me Russian pork chops. They seemed very happy, although there was only enough space in the flat for a double bed and chest of drawers.”

But they got fed at Christmas lunch:

“She seemed shy, unsophisticated and sweet. I liked her immediately and thought they were the perfect match. They were both very intellectual, passionate and driven, and when Anna came to stay for Christmas she and Alex spent the whole time cuddled up together in an armchair in front of the log fire. They didn’t seem to be able to spend a minute apart.”

And should Anna Chapman be convicted of spying for the Russians, you can expect to hear about every one of those minutes in the tabloid press. Should she be freed without charge,  expect her to pose in Playboy and get her own cable TV show..


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Posted: 3rd, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink