
Anorak News | Cyril Smith’s Largeness Beats Today’s Middling Politicians

Cyril Smith’s Largeness Beats Today’s Middling Politicians

by | 3rd, September 2010

SIR Cyril Smith RIP. The form LibDem Chief Whip died today. He was 82.

In 1976, Mr Cyril Smith was 47. Then, as the Liberal MP for Rochdale, he filled a bed at Birch Hall Hospital. His mother, Mrs Eva Smith, said he had become unwell in the early hours.

He recovered and lived to 82. Yep a big man lived past three score years and ten. And he was well liked. His size helped.


This is not to say Smith lived a blameless life. David Steel’s Press Office was quoted as saying on 22nd April 1979: ” all he seems to have done is spanked a few bare bottoms”.

We found this but news of the allegation is hard to come by. It exists as an alleged allegation, but nonetheless interesting:

The original complaint concerned a resident of Cambridge Boys Hostel, Castlemere Street, Rochdale (it closed in 1965) . Eventually 7 people made complaints.

“… he took me into the quiet Room. he told me to take my trousers down and bend over his knee…” Another one …” Cyril Smith found out I had taken some money . He asked me if I would accept his punishment or be dealt with by the authorities…” Another ” He told me to take my trousers and pants down. He held my testicles and told me to cough”

Smith did not dignify the allegations by suing. And we went on to be immensely popular.

Digression ends.

We live at a time of uniform-sized politicos. Even John Prescott is not big. He is squat. None of them are big aside from Arthur Nicholas Winston Soames. And you know who is because he has a big profile – literally.

Had Gordon Brown been fat, we’d have warmed to him. When Clegg, Brown and Cameron stood before us at those TV debates, looking like middle-managers at a drinks do, they cut no dash.

Had Cameron been fat, he’d have won the election by a mile. But he was only a bit chubbier than his average look-alike Nick Clegg.

If you want to be loved like Mr Cyril Smith, you young hungry politicians, start eating…


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Alderman Cyril Smith, one of the neck-and-neck favourite's in todays by-election at Rochdale, looks at the many good-luck telegrams which he received while polling began this morning. He is the Liberal candidate.

Posted: 3rd, September 2010 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink